Church calendar


How to add MCCM Calendar to your mobile device


  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

  2. Tap on Passwords & Accounts.

  3. Tap on Add Account... under the Accounts section.

  4. Tap on Other at the bottom of the list

  5. Tap on Add Subscribed Calendar

  6. Paste in the above URL link for MCCM Events Calendar

  7. No user name or password is required.

  8. Tap Save


If your Android device does not allow subscribing to a calendar on the device, and you're using Google/Gmail for your calendar services, try doing the follow:

  1. Go to

  2. Scroll down to the left side where you see your list of existing calendars to Other Calendars

  3. Click the + icon and select "Add Calendar"

  4. Choose the "From URL" option

  5. Paste in the above URL link for MCCM Events Calendar, after you click "Subscribe to Calendar"

  6. Click "Add Calendar"